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Clutter Daze

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

I am convinced that the clutter in my house is a reflection of the clutter in my body, mind, and soul---caused by trauma. The picture below is my basement, circa 2005. That year there was a flood. A torrential rainstorm flowed over the edge of the flat roof of my condo, poured down the front of my building, and flowed into the basement window, which was open. Here I am doing some repairs in what looks like a hazmat suit, but was really just to keep the sawdust off. It would come in handy now, with the pandemic.

Prior to the flood the room was usable space. There were two desks, carpet, etc. It's where we used our computer. Do you remember those big computers that took ages to boot up, had a big hard drive that sat on the floor, and took half an hour to upload a video? THAT kind of computer. I don't have any pictures of the room, because they are probably on that computer...which is dead.

This room has evolved. It went from usable space, to flooded place, to strip-

ped down to the studs place (see photo to right, where the room is half finished), to renovation space, to space where items collect when they are not being used, to space where items are crammed when not in use and where endless attempts at sorting through the collected things has resulted in numerous piles, bags, sorting systems, and disarray.

The rest of the house is equally problematic. I have been in school for some time and made some half-hearted attempts to tame the clutter, mostly in attempts to create more usable space. Now, however, my goal is different. Now I want to downsize---go minimalist. It has occurred to me that I need very little to live, yet I have so much stuff!

A little gallery of the current state of things....

I appear to be a hoarder from these photos, but I really want to change that.

Stay tuned for some attempts at downsizing, which is and will be impacted by the pandemic we find ourselves living through at this time. I am hesitant to donate, give away, or thrown away much, so I'll be storing things in and around the house until I can actually get rid of it.

This blog will be my partner, my accountability, my barometer, my record of my success -- or failure. Join me! Hope you are having a great day.



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