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Never Give Up

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

I have noticed, since being disabled, that every time I try to achieve any kind of change, I inevitably hit a kind of wall. I don't remember it being this way prior to having chronic illnesses. I guess it's like the wall runners hit. If you don't know what I mean watch the movie "Run Fatboy Run" in which he runs a marathon and an apparition of a wall appears which he must overcome. (Check it out on my 'other' blog by clicking the B in the menu). For runners its sheer strength of will, but for people like me -- chronic illness people -- it's a little bit different.

We with chronic illness have to avoid the wall. We have to count every bit of energy and never reach our reserves because when we do we crash. When I say crash I mean, for instance, having to rest in bed all day or more, or getting sick, or having a flare-up of whatever ails us.

That is what is happening to me right now. It is very frustrating because I was actually making progress. I subconsciously believe this is a sign that reads “give up” but I refuse to listen! I'm going to use the blog to keep me on track and accountable. See, it's already working. Just saying that makes me feel better. Sometimes I just get lost and don't really follow through with my plans. The blog will help with that. She's gonna fix me. I can feel it!

Take care out there.



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