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The Mermaid Diaries

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

I love swimming. So I got up the day after my birthday and drove an hour to get to my favourite local beach.

Dazzling light sparkled.

It was a beautiful day for swimming: hot and still. There was haze settling into the valleys, and heavy dew on everything. I stopped a few times along the way to the beach to capture this dazzling effect as the sun rose above the horizon. The light was dazzling as it shimmered and sparkled through the dew on the vegetation. I was entirely contented as I settled on just snapping pictures with my phone because my camera stopped working. I continued east toward the beach.

Rolling hills of the moraine.

As I came to certain sections of the landscape where the moraine, left behind by an ancient glacier, cascades in rolling hills and valleys, I was captivated by the haze and the sun shimmering through it, and the sheer beauty of it all made me want to weep and jump for joy at the same time. (I admit I don't get out much.)

When I arrived in the lakeside town where my favourite beach is located early in the morning, the streets were still deserted, and the quaint shops and historic buildings were all closed. I parked and fed the meter and took myself to the seashore. There was a city worker combing the sand with his tractor, but he had just finished as I arrived. I slipped off my sandals and let my feet sink into the feather soft, powdery sand.

At the waters edge I was mesmerized with the sun caressing the surface of the water, the call of geese and seagulls, the waves crashing on the shore. Excitement filled my being and I propped up my phone so that I could record my first foray into the water, and in I went. The sensation was exhilarating. I swam and swam and swam. I did little laps and every stroke I could remember. It was glorious.

Gathering my things, after rescuing a stray sandal from a seagull who decided to try to make off with it, I slowly retreated to shade and stopped to record a little video of how proud I was of myself. I didn't post it because I felt silly, however, it was upon watching it in the car that I noticed two dime-sized hives on my neck.

Sitting in my car I tried to decide what to do next. The plan was to go swimming and then be home in time for breakfast, but I was really enjoying myself. Yesterday had been my birthday. Who would it hurt if I just enjoyed the entire day? After all, it was long overdue and summer was ending soon, and school was beginning in a week. So I went.

I just drove. I got to the next beach, but it was full, (provincial parks limited attendance this year due to Covid) so I just kept going. When I arrived at the next beach it was midday. The sun was high and the park was packed with many people. I got ready and walked to the beach. I'd say it was about 1 or 2 pm. The day was very hot, though, and I really wanted to swim again -- I get giddy just thinking about it. So I did. The waves were bigger, the water busier, and I was nervous. Still I swam. I swam and I swam. Once I went to get out then changed my mind and went back in.

Finally, I swam as close to the shore as possible and then waded out, picking up my towel, and wrapping my lower torso with it. I stopped to take a photo of a seagull and while I did, I started to feel, well, weird.

I took a picture of my face, to see what was happening because I was itchy. Really itchy. By the time I got to the boardwalk that led to my car and turned the camera on myself I was horrified at what I saw. I was literally covered in large hives and very itchy. My ears, neck, back, face, and chest were full of them.

I should explain that I have an immune-system issue. My body reacts to chemicals like cleaning products and perfume as though they were viruses. The photos below illustrate what happened to me. It did something to me. I am not the same. WARNING: the following photos are not flattering-at all!

Before During...........The rest are afters.

I decided to go home -- I didn't have a choice -- and as the hives subsided I began to be very tired. Also my kidney's hurt. It is over a week later and all of these symptoms continue. So much for being a mermaid.

Yours, the puffy blotchy mermaid,



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